Hmm...dah 2 mggu aku cuti. Kerana 6-month old beloved daughter...

23/05 - She's getting worse, nafas dia bunyi kuat sgt pastu lemahhhh je. Went back to the same clinic, mintak refer pergi hosp. Then terus pergi Damansara Specialist Hosp, refer kat Dr.Azizi... Terus admitted... ssssssampai la... 29/05 baru discharged.

Dr. diagnosed dia kena Acute Bronchiotis. Kahak banyak ngat kat paru2 dia. So, nak kena keluarkan sampai clear. Pastu mintak lagi cuti 1 week sebab nak jaga dia... Dgn ubat yg pelbagainya, takut babysitter dia pening pulak.. So, I decided to take a very good care of her by myself.
05/06 - Follow up with Dr. Azizi. Alhamdulillah, she's getting fine, chest dah clear cuma kat nasal dia yg belum clear habis...
So, on 06/06 masuk kerja balik. Next follow up will be on 05/07. Hopefully she will fully recover soon. Amin ya rab...
05/06 - Follow up with Dr. Azizi. Alhamdulillah, she's getting fine, chest dah clear cuma kat nasal dia yg belum clear habis...
So, on 06/06 masuk kerja balik. Next follow up will be on 05/07. Hopefully she will fully recover soon. Amin ya rab...
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