My heart, my soul, my joy & my happiness!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Yesterday, our hampeh Prime Minister has announced that the petrol price increased 40.625% from RM1.92 to RM2.70 per liter. The subsidy will be given to rakyat annually upon road tax renewal where, the 2000cc & below car's owner will receive RM625 which is equal to RM52.08 per month. Is it sufficient? U tell me...

Last night, we filled up 32.9 liter fuel with the cost of RM63. Starting today, that price is longer valid as it will be RM88.80. U can do the maths...

And... last night in Buletin Utama, our minister of PDNHEP in the interview session mentioned that "Minyak adalah satu penggunaan, bukan keperluan"... What the h*** was he talking about? Didn't he think before he talked, didn't he studied Economy, did he? Even the basic economy syllabus describes about the difference between 'need' and 'want'. From his saying, it could be summarised as "Kereta guna minyak, tapi kereta tak perlukan minyak". There is one most suitable sentence = Statement bodoh!

FRUSTRATED!!! Super-duper frustrated...

This increment will definitely give a HUGE impact to the economy, inflation, goods and society. Thus, the level of poverty might increase as well as the crimes. When the statistic of crime shows a rapid rise, then Pak Lah would held a press conference asking PDRM to clarify why the number of crime increases, which suppose should be questioned to himself.

I've read an article saying that "No subsidy, no car tax". I agree on that. No toll should be levied as well! Pak Lah claimed that the economy has growth 7.1% in 1st quarter of 2008. In fact, traders keep complaining about "no sale, no sale..." They are totally in restless situation. Hmm... so how did Pak Lah got the figure of 7.1%? Maybe there's a new formula to calculate it... specially imposed by Pak Lah, kerajaan 3 beranak!

1 comment:

ultromhh said...

The leaders wont be affected by the increased petrol price cause the can simply claim their car petrol usage. If not now, the gov will increase the price later,it's just the matter of time. But the implementation of the decision should not be so abruptly like they already did. Totally agree with
u that fuel is a 'keperluan' for the time being. There's no other alternative since our public transport is totally rubbish.