My heart, my soul, my joy & my happiness!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good bye 2008

Time is gold. Time goes by so fast without we noticed that it's the end of 2008. Everyone is getting older. We have hopes & aims. All accomplished tasks are marked as victories & any unaccomplished may be proceeded in the next period. I believe all are faded, we never know what's gonna happen next but we may plan for it and put an effort to let it happen, if we really want it to. What happened to me this year:
Jan - Had a few wishes... aim of 2008.
Feb - tak ingat la!
Mar - I received a salary adjustment. It's good.
Apr - I resigned at Dagang Net to pursue a better career path after 3 years (my first job).
May - First time in Bahau for Niza's passing out as a policewoman. Adrianna's 1st time on the beach. Wan get promoted.
Jun - Have a 4d3n vacation at Kuantan Tembeling Resort, Pahang.
Jul - I started work at MNC Wireless Berhad.
Aug - I am 2 in 1. Expecting for second baby. Adik Pi engaged.
Sept - What a very tough fasting month during 1st trimester!
Oct - Celebrate hari raya Aidilfitri at Jengka & Seri Manjung.
Nov - Adrianna admitted because of acute bronchiolitis. World war III.
Dec - First time ever doing korban during Aidiladha 2008 at Manjung. Went to Perlis after 3 years. Re-touch with old friend, kak Nurah.

Overall, 2008 is very tough. Career transition, pregnant and vacations. Day to day, Adrianna is getting cleverer and banyak akal! Proud to hear she can clearly count between 1 to 10 in both malay & english. She loves reading as well as singing. InsyaAllah, ibu & ayah pray that Adrianna will become a good person, smart and solehah.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I finally 'found' her!

Syukur Alhamdulillah... today, I am very happy. I've been searching for her since years ago. Last we met on early of 2002 when she came to Shah Alam. Since then, all I knew that she studied at UPSI till suddenly we lost contact - she can't be contacted actually. All of our friends do not know where she is, how's she doing... Once, we lived at the same college, same floor, same class... we talked everyday about everything. I miss those sweet memories as much as I miss her. Whenever I meet my ex-classmates, the first question that I will asked, "do u have her contact number?"... but none of them know. Fuhhh... such a tremendous jejak kasih! I surfed her name in the internet whenever I free, but the result is zero, but that never stopped me to keep searching and searching. The power of friendship brings me to surf again this afternoon, until I finally found her name in the net with her phone number plus her school name. Yeah, I know she is a teacher but do not know her exact location. I then dialed the number and when I heard the first word "hello".. I knew that was her!

She: Hello
Me: Hello, ni kak nurah ke?
She: Ehhhh, ni ainul ke? (shocked)
Me: Ha ah...

Then, our conversation started. Both recognized each other's voices. Amazing! Both are searching for each other. We glad we 'met' on the phone. Can't wait to meet her face to face. She's actually coming to KL next month. Hope to see her soon. The person is Haznurah Zainon.

Perlis & Teluk Batik

It was a long weekend but seemed so short! Started on Friday night, right after work, we went to Seri Manjung, arrived on 10.30pm

Saturday on 11am - long journey to Perlis, arrived at 4pm, not managed to find any hotel. Searched around Kuala Perlis (ate laksa for a while), Kangar, Arau, back to Kangar and... at last caught a homestay at Beseri around 7pm, about 1km from the bride's house. Exhausted tahap gaban, that night wan bought us nasi bungkus for dinner.

Sunday 11am, went to the wedding ceremony & around 3 o'clock, we went to Padang Besar for a quite rush shopping. What a crowd! It's expected - public holiday! Then, around 6pm, we heading towards my adopted family's house at Kg.Dato' Kayaman near Mata Ayer. Around 8.15pm, need to start our long journey home, and 1.15am arrived at Manjung. Everybody collapsed then. My husband, adrianna & I only woke up at 10.30am! Really terribly tido mati.

Monday, after bed - Adrianna voiced out her special request to go to Teluk Batik, "nak mandi laut"... but it was raining outside until 3pm. Fortunately, the rain stopped. Not to let Adrianna down, she was extremely excited when I told her, "Jom!"... We went to Teluk Batik, mandi-manda, and stopped on 6pm to go to Giant to shop. And finally went home on 7pm. Argh, with a syndrome named 'l.a.z.y', we packed our things, have dinner and went out around 9pm and reached home (Subang) at 12 midnight. Adrianna slept all the way until this morning.

It was fun, but wish could have one more day to take a rest. Two more days to go for another holiday. New year is coming!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ma'al Hijrah 1430H

"Satu Muharram detik permulaan... ". Used to sing this song when I was in 2ndary school, participated in a nasyid competition. Voice - not so nice nor bad, haha... and this coming Monday, 29th Dec, we're going to celebrate our new year of Hijrah, 1430H.

End of the year du'a - 3 times at the end of Asar or before Maghrib of 30th Zulhijjah.
Means: Allah bselawat ke atas pghulu kami Muhammad saw, ahli keluarga & shbt2 baginda & ksjhteraan ke atas mereka. Ya Allah, apa yg tlh aku lakukn dlm tahun ini drpd pkara2 yg Kau tegah drpdku mlakuknnya & aku belum btaubat drpdnya. Sdgkn Kau tak redha & tak lupaknnya & aku tlh mlakuknnya dlm keadaan di mana Kau mgilhamknku dgn taubat slps kberanianku mlakukn semua dosa itu. Sesgguhnya aku mohon keampunanMu, maka ampunilah aku & tdklah aku mlakukn yg demikian drpd apa yg Kau redhai & Kau mnjanjiknku dgn pahala atas yg sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon kpdmu. Ya Allah yg Maha Pemurah, yg Maha Agung & yg Maha Mulia agar Kau terima taubat dariku & jgnlah Kau hampakn hrpnku kpdMu wahai yg Maha Pemurah & Allah bselawat ke atas pghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga & shbt2nya & mgurniakn ksjhteraan ke atas mereka.

New year du'a - 3 times after Maghrib of 1st Muharram.
Means: Allah bselawat ke atas pghulu kami Muhammad saw, ahli keluarga & shbt2 baginda & ksjhteraan ke atas mereka. Ya Allah, Kaulah yg Kkl Abadi, yg Qadim, yg Awal & ke atas kelebihanMu yg Bsr & kmurahnMu yg melimpah & ini adlh thn baru yg tlh muncul di hdpn kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan drMu di spjg thn ini dr syaitan & pmbantu2nya & tentera2nya & juga pertlgn thdp ahli yg dperintahkn mlakukn kejhtan & usaha yg mdktknku kpdMu Ya Allah yg Maha Agung & Maha Mulia. Ya Allah yg Maha Pengasih dr mereka yg mgasihi & Allah bselawat ke atas pghulu kami Muhammad, nabi yg ummi & ke atas ahli keluarga & shbt2nya & ksjhteraan ke atas mereka.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Aidiladha 2008

Hmm... hope it's not too late to talk about this recent Aidiladha. These are the pics, could say as the chronology of korban event on last 10th Zulhijjah 1429H which was held at Manjung. Whole family involved, taking the whole seven parts of the cow. Credit to my sis-in-law: bride-to-be for the pics...

<<--- And... this was the most 'tragic' one.
Abah took parts of the meat and mak did some great cook such as hati masak pedas and kurma daging... but since my husband and I need to get back to work on the next day, so we need to go back to Subang that night exhaustedly (my hubby la) after had a fight with the white cow that morning. That was our first time involved in ibadah korban and Alhamdulillah it went smoothly.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Last night, I found a wed invitation card from a friend... written this very lovely quote which is very poetically expressed and very touching.

Tak perlu mencari teman secantik Balqis, andai diri tak sehebat Sulaiman. Mengapa mengharapkan teman setampan Yusof jika kasih tak setulus Zulaikha. Tak perlu mengharapkan teman seteguh Ibrahim andai diri tak sekuat Siti Hajar.
Dan mengapa didambakan teman hidup bak Siti Khadijah kalau diri tak sesempurna Rasulullah s.a.w. Bimbinglah dirinya dan terimalah kekurangan itu sebagai keunikan. Carilah kebaikan pada dirinya. Bersyukurlah kerana dipertemukan dengannya dan berdoalah diakan terus menjadi milikmu...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wardah is a mama

Update: 18/12/2008 9.25am - Wardah's son name is Emir Wahid Ashraf. Nice kan! His weight is 2.6kg. They're still at the hospital as she was on C-section yesterday. Both of them are fine and expecting to be discharged tomorrow.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Alhamdulillah, one of my closest friend, Wardah has given birth to a baby boy this morning, 8.30am at Serdang Hospital. Congrats Wardah for the new born, hope he makes your life merrier and happier. I believe Wardah & Idin would be great parents as great as they are. Both are my friends since I was in high school, plus Idin is also my neighbour at Jengka. They met again after grads from university and fell in love then which was actually unexpected, but He knows everything right!

Monday, December 15, 2008

One's Birthday

Yesterday was Wan's birthday. 14th December 2008. Happy birthday to my beloved Wan and may Allah bless u alwizzz and alwizzz. Be the very best husband to me, the very best ayah to Adrianna and our baby-to-birth. We love you ayah!!!

This cheese cake is very delicious. I bought from a friend of mine, kakZai who is currently an active homemade cakes maker. Adrianna loves it as much as Wan & me do. Yummy!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our 3rd Anniversary

Today is Shaizwan & Ainul's 3rd wedding anniversary. InsyaAllah, we hope for the best and very best in our relationship - happy always and always - till the end of our breaths... May Allah bless us & pour His rezeki all the times.

Our important dates:
(1) We declared - 22nd March 2001
(2) We enganged - 22nd May 2005
(3) We nikah - 10th December 2005
(4) Our wed reception at Jengka - 18th February 2006
(5) Our wed reception at Manjung - 04th March 2006
(6) Our 1st baby was born - 18th November 2006
(7) Shaizwan's birthday - 14th December 1980
(8) Ainul's birthday - 11th October 1981